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Telling the Story of Jews in America

                                       Jews and the American West

The year is 1883, and David Kamen works for his father, peddling goods in Indian Territory west of his home in Wichita, Kansas. He and his uncle meet homesteaders and Indians as they travel through blizzards and cattle drives, surviving snakes and rushing rivers.


When an opportunity arises to own land in the new Oklahoma territory, David and Uncle Simon are eager to journey west and stake their claim. But as they face unforeseen obstacles, they wonder if they'll ever be able to realize their dreams.


In this captivating book by award-winning author Tovah S. Yavin, readers will walk west with David as this little-known period in American Jewish history comes to life.



Available from https://menuchapublishers.com/


In Wars and Commerce

It's the summer of 1814.


The British are advancing on Baltimore where Jacob Franks and his family live. They've already burned down Washington, D.C.


Will Baltimore be next?


Step back to 1909 and an almost forgotten chapter in American history.


Follow an exciting journey down the C & O Canal through slippery tunnels, near drownings and threatening thunder storms. Add in the sick mule for a wild adventure!

And one for the Sports Fans!!

                    All-Star Season


Award-Winning Sports Novel


Reuven and Avi-


Which brother will make All-Stars?


Available from  www.amazon.com

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